Over the next three Wednesdays, I want to talk about the idea of family traditions at Christmas time. I’m so excited about this series, as I have some fun ideas to share with you and equally excited to hear from you on this topic!
I want to kick off this series with talking about the importance as a family of establishing traditions.
When I was growing up, I remember that as Christmas began rolling around the corner, I would start thinking about all the fun things that were coming our family’s way. Whether it was making gingerbread houses with my cousins and grandparents or driving around looking at Christmas lights (and getting a milkshake at the end of the festive tour), there was something I could look forward to every year at this time. These are just two examples of the many traditions my family had (and still has). They made an already meaningful season even better.
Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
Traditions hold value for many reasons. Here are a few:
They create an opportunity for families to spend focused time with one another. In today’s busy world it’s becoming more and more crucial that families carve out specific time to share together safe from the distractions of everyday life. When my family is driving around looking at Christmas lights, we find ourselves singing to Christmas tunes and talking about what we are seeing. But mostly, it’s about the time spent together.
Traditions allow you to strengthen your relationships with one another. For example, traditions present a time to remind one another what is unique and special about your family member. When we host our annual gingerbread house making party, I am reminded that my youngest daughter has a large imagination. She uses as much candy as possible on her house. But my oldest daughter is focused on details and patterns. Being reminded of the uniqueness of my children helps me appreciate their unique gifts and talents more.
Traditions lead to thankfulness. I know I am so grateful for the memories I have from Christmas traditions. They are a big part of my childhood. One of the fondest memories I have is when my parents hosted the annual Christmas brunch when all my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents would come to our home and share brunch with one another. I love thinking about my dad cooking the grits and eggs on the stove, and my mom refereeing fun and festive Christmas games.
These are just a few reasons why Christmas traditions are important for families.
Ben White on Unsplash
What other reasons do you value family traditions at Christmas time? I’ll be sharing more traditions in the next two parts of the series but would love to hear from you too!
[…] years back, I wrote a 3 part blog series on Christmas traditions. You can begin the series here. Included in this series is the DIY gingerbread house template that my grandparents used for us as […]
[…] years back, I wrote a 3 part blog series on Christmas traditions. You can begin the series here. Included in this series is the DIY gingerbread house template that my grandparents used for us as […]