She Gave It a Go

My Health and Fitness Journey Over the Past 2 Years

Family | January 6, 2022

My Health and Fitness Journey Over the Past 2 Years featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go


Come check out my health and fitness journey for the past 2 years.  This is ultimately a story of how small changes, can lead to big, lifetime changes. I can’t wait to share with you all the details of how I turned my health around and how you can too.

Health and Fitness Journey during COVID, a story featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

My Health Journey after 18 months

“Small changes eventually add up to huge results”-unknown. It’s true and I’m here to tell you my story on how this played out with my health and fitness journey. I am extremely passionate about this topic as it did more than change my physical health but also my emotional health too!

Health and Fitness Journey during COVID, a story featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

Before and After my health and fitness journey 1.5-year mark

My Health and Fitness Journey for the Past 2 Years

Back in December 2019, I had a doctor’s visit that was the true spark behind this journey. I had gone in for a regular checkup, only to brace myself to hear the words I knew she may say, which is, you need to lose some weight.  Unfortunately, I had pretty much surrendered to where I was at that time, overweight, not exercising, low energy, etc. 

Well, it was her next words that truly rocked my world.  She said, if I continue on this path, I would ultimately end up dealing with osteoporosis and possibly begin falling.  What? I was only 41 and had a 5-year-old at the time with teen girls, and I’m hearing that not in my too distant future I would be dealing with these things?

Health and Fitness Journey during COVID, a story featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go


Nope, not going to be the path I take.  It was time to turn the train around but one step at a time.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.”-Mark Twain

Health and Fitness Journey during COVID, a story featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go


Downloaded the Weight Watchers App

A month later, I told my husband I was going to download the Weight Watchers app and give it a go.  I knew that this program would be mentally within my range because I could still eat foods I enjoyed AND eat all the fruits I wanted daily.  Both are very important for me to succeed with this first small change in my health and fitness journey. A program where certain foods were prohibited or they provided you the foods was not an option for me.

A couple of months in, I started feeling better and began losing some weight.  The ball was rolling.

My Health and Fitness Journey Over the Past 2 Years featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go


Began Walking Every Day

I then decided in May 2020, to begin walking.  I wasn’t going to do “too much” exercising because honestly, I had rebelled against exercising for a few years. So, I just began walking, no big deal I thought.

This small change led to a conversation I had with my best friend from college one day which was talking with me about doing a 100-mile challenge over 30 days.  She had been following along with me, and that I had started walking and encouraged me to take it to the next step. It seemed like something I could do and was ready to start it.

Health and Fitness Journey during COVID, a story featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

100 mile challenge

100 Mile Challenge

And, challenge accepted. I wrote all about this challenge here.  This next small step led to me jogging/running some of these 100 miles, and all the while growing my strength and ultimately pressing me forward in my health and fitness journey.  I wrapped up two solid months of the 100-mile challenge and was feeling really good.

However, in August 2020, I hurt my back and had to stop exercising completely to let it heal. I was honestly terrified of how this may set me back, as I didn’t want to go back to where I was 6 months earlier. I was finally feeling strong again, had so much more energy, and wearing clothes I hadn’t felt comfortable or able to wear in a couple of years. 

Thankfully, I continued doing the WW app, and over the next couple of months healed. 

Health and Fitness Journey during COVID, a story featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

BurnBootCamp community

Burn Boot Camp Workouts

I was ready to resume exercising in January 2020. The next small change was to consider adding core strength (something my doctor highly recommended to prevent falling as I got older) and weight training to my exercise regimen.  Again, both are important aspects to your health and fitness journey as you age (per my doctor’s feedback). 

A few of my friends here in Birmingham were members of a gym, Burn Boot Camp, and I had been seeing really great results.  Not just weight loss-wise, but also in their strength! They were strong, and I desired to hop on this program because I also knew it would be an accountability thing too.

Health and Fitness Journey during COVID, a story featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

50 camps strong

My 2 teen daughters and I joined Burn Boot Camp. Not only did we start getting stronger but also watched our body fat percentage begin to decrease.  Plus, we met several new friends and belong to a community we didn’t even know we’d be blessed to have when we joined. 


Overcoming Setbacks

Most recently, I experienced another back injury (a herniated disc) that led to surgery.  It has taken me almost 9 weeks to recover from this injury and surgery but the great news is that I am out walking and was able to go to New York City a few weeks ago and keep up with the pace of our trip!

I plan to hop back into walking, biking, and weight machines but will be cutting out Burn because of my back issues.


Health and Fitness Journey during COVID, a story featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

Liquid Collagen

I added liquid collagen to my daily regimen several months ago.  You can check out the two I take here and read all about the benefits associated with taking them.  I specifically noticed joint relief, hair health, and growth when taking them. Although I am not taking the collagen as regularly anymore, I do see how this was a positive part of all the aspects associated with my health journey.

Be sure to use my referral code, 9478395, for $10 off your first order if you want to give these a go!

Water Consumption

And, per my norm haha, water intake is the most tricky for me during the winter months.  I aim for 100 oz/day during the summer, but on these colder days, it’s more like 50 oz.  This is a great small change that I keep challenging myself with.

This is what it looks like over 18 months below.

Health and Fitness Journey during COVID, a story featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

Before and After health journey-18 months mark

This is what it looks like after 2 years below.

My Health and Fitness Journey Over the Past 2 Years featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

AFTER-2 year mark

I did not begin with exercising, eating healthy, drinking water, taking collagen…I began with one change.  That one small change spurred on the next, and then the next.  I was down 62 pounds at 18 months and 74 pounds today from where I was in December 2019.

The moments that feel hard about this new lifestyle today, pale in comparison to the true underlying hardship I was enduring being overweight, tired, and not feeling good.  So, yes, there are times when it’s not fun eating queso during the week or workouts aren’t draining but it’s worth that moment of self-pity or prioritizing, versus the day in day out of being at an unhealthy weight and lifestyle.

My Health and Fitness Journey Over the Past 2 Years featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

Two year mark with my husband

“I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.”-Helen Keller

I cannot be cheering for you any more loudly than I am right now, please hear me say, “You got this!” 

What small change can you envision yourself starting with? For me, it was my eating but for you, it may be drinking more water. 

My Health and Fitness Journey Over the Past 2 Years featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

What I do daily:

  1. On Weekdays I eat by the WW plan and on weekends I eat what I want.
  2. 5-6 days/week I attend Burn Boot Camp up until 11/2021. Post-surgery to 1/2022, I am resuming walking at least 3x/week.
  3. I drink water daily.
  4. Trim Liquid Collagen in the AM and Life liquid Collagen in the PM.

Results are increased energy, more self-confidence, being active with my children and husband, getting out of bed more easily, decreased stress, and so much more. 

Health and Fitness Journey during COVID, a story featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

AFTER-18 months

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” Robert Collier

My Health and Fitness Journey Over the Past 2 Years featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

AFTER-2 year mark

I hope you are inspired to give it a go! Let me know in the comments below what one small change would you be willing to try today, to bring about positive change in your life?

Health and Fitness Journey during COVID, a story featured by top AL lifestyle blogger, She Gave It A Go

  1. Kristin says:

    Thanks for sharing your journey and encouragement!! So inspiring and love the quotes too!

    • Brendt Blanks says:

      Thank you so much, Kristin!

      I am so grateful for your encouragement, and glad you enjoyed the quotes. They’re great motivation for me!


  2. Jen says:

    So proud of you!

    • Brendt Blanks says:


      Thank you so much, so glad you stopped by!! You’ve always been an encouragement to me with your health.


  3. Pamela Martin says:

    I am in EXTREEMLY poor shape. My biggest block is motivation, I just don’t care. But I can see myself taking the collegen and drinking more water. How long were you on the collegen before you saw changes, and could your healthier eating be the reason for the changes? How much water should I drink, and is carbonated water OK? Thank you for the little ray of inspiration I feel this morning.

  4. […] If you’ve been following along with me for a while, you are aware that about 1.5 years ago, I decided to turn my health around and live more healthily.  This decision changed my eating habits, physical activity, and other things that I share all about here. […]

  5. Keliie says:

    Wow! You have inspired me my friend! Good job it was a lot of work and you look so healthy and happy!!!

    • Brendt Blanks says:

      Oh, thank you so much, Kellie! I am so glad you feel encouraged to give it a go.
      Keep me posted, and in the meantime, I am cheering you on!


  6. […] exercising, and drinking water every day for me. I recently shared my healthy journey in this post here.  Feel free to head over and read more about the 18-month health and fitness journey I share […]

  7. Laurie says:

    Thank you for this! I never followed you before the weight loss so I did not know this. I started this week on a path to health. Keeping it simple with drinking water, walking my dog and 30m on my elliptical.

    Thank you also for praying for me and my dad this summer. I am flying out to bring him home from the nursing home on my birthday! Feb 24! He has made such strides that coming home is now in the picture! God has answered my prayers!

    • Brendt Blanks says:

      Hi Laurie,

      Rejoicing in this with you! What an awesome report, thank you for sharing this update with me and giving all praises to the Lord indeed! So so happy for you and your family.
      And, your path-to-health plan sounds perfect; keeping it simple, that’s what helped me the most! You got this!!

      Warmest blessings,

  8. You’re amazing & such an inspiration!! I love following you on Instagram!! Thank you for sharing your journey!!
    All my best,

    • Brendt Blanks says:


      You are so kind, I treasure your encouragement, my friend. And, so grateful for you following along with me on Instagram.
      Have a wonderful weekend!


  9. Cindy Fowler says:

    Congratulations Brendt!! You are a true inspiration!! You look fabulous. Keep up the good work.

  10. […] So proud of my friend for her weight loss journey […]

  11. Jennifer says:

    You’re journey is very inspiring! Thank you for sharing!

    • Brendt Blanks says:

      Thank you so much for stopping by, friend. I truly appreciate your kind words.

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