Connecting faith with technology is an awesome way to have even more faith-based resources at your fingertips (literally!). I am sharing five apps that have amazing daily devotionals for women. Open them at home, on the go, and when you literally only have five minutes.
I think most of us can agree that our smartphones help us manage many areas of our lives; communication, scheduling, emails, social media, and so much more. And the great news is, our faith can be positively impacted by this use of technology that is literally at our fingertips. Think of the hindrances that may get in your way of having a daily devotional. I know for me, it can be time, or not carrying around a devotional with me, or even wanting something fresh/new to read.
Adding these daily devotionals for women apps can open up the possibilities of increased time in the word and access to some incredible (and 4/5 FREE) faith-based resources). I have personally used some of these, researched others, and polled my Instagram audience to bring you the top 5 that kept coming up over and over again.
YouVersion App
This app is one that I have had on my phone for years, and of course, with it being the Bible, is perfect for time in the Word. But it also has tons of devotional plans available. You can begin a plan that focuses on prayer, marriage, hope, and a variety of other topics. This app will also send you emails (once subscribed) for even more rich, relevant faith discussions.
First5 App
Second, to YouVersion this was a beloved app (developed by Proverbs 31 ministry) and one I am so excited to now have downloaded on my phone. The premise is putting the Word before the world by spending our first minutes with Him. It delves into scripture with a purposed plan and provides great application for your day. Another cool feature? You can set daily reminders to not miss a day in the Word. I’m in!
SheReadsTruth app
This app developed by She Reads Truth offers great daily devotional plans, as well as the full-text Bible. Additionally, this one opens up doors to connect with other women who are also spending time in the Word. So the option to be part of a faith-based community is there for you. Plus (and I love this!), you can download lock screens to your phone that not only will bring that scripture to mind but also aid in scripture memory!
Jesus Calling App
You may have heard of or own a copy of this best-selling hardback. Whether you have the book or not, this app has been a powerful tool for many of the friends I heard from on Instagram. It is a year-long devotional plan that will allow you to dig deeper into your relationship with Jesus. The app also has a prayer journal aspect, allowing you to take notes from your day to day time you spend in the Word. It is the only one of the five that is not free but repeatedly have heard and read that it is worth under $10 to spend.
DailyDevotional app
When I first opened this app, I was instantly comforted by the peaceful music it was playing. I was pulled in and felt relaxed pretty much immediately (you can opt to turn the music off if you prefer!). Like the others listed above, you have access to some really wonderful devotional plans and a full-text Bible. I prefer personally to read the ESV version, and the default for this app is set on the King James Version. It is easy to change it to whatever version you prefer. Tons of great sharing features on this app too!
Do you have one or some of these already on your phone that has meant a lot to you? And, which one may be new, that you can’t wait to download? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. I encourage you to give faith-based apps a go! They are so full of great resources, sharing tools, scripture memory tools, and of course the Bible. Blessings to you friend, and your drawing near to Him.
What are your favorite daily devotionals for women? Let me know in a comment below1