A few days ago, I took my son Paul down to our neighborhood park. He typically enjoys running around or riding his scooter, but that day he was most interested in just being pushed on the swing.
That suited me just fine, and so, as any 4-year-old wants to do he kept saying push me higher mom. We laughed and it was in those happy moments I pondered the magnitude of the gift he is in our lives, that all of our children are.
Photo by Myles Tan on Unsplash
Scripture talks about the significance of pondering; “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19). Mary thought on the things that had been told to her by the angel about Jesus’ birth. This means she took the time to not just move, or take them lightly, or worry, but to give thought to what had been said. To really listen to what was happening outside of herself.
Without slowing down and pondering events, moments, and our daily experiences, we end up missing out on the fullness of this life. Being mindful in moments such as these can prompt gratitude, awareness, self-growth, reflection, empathy, compassion, and overall positivity.
Are there some areas in your life that could benefit from you slowing down and pondering the moments?
Have you been moving non-stop, day-to-day just trying to check boxes on your to-do list?
Have you missed out on moments to experience what our family members, friends, and co-workers are trying to tell you?
I want to encourage you today, as I am encouraging myself, to make an effort to experience the fullness of God’s blessings by slowing down and being present where you are.