Wood bead garland wrapped around an oversized glass jug in our entryway.
Want to give it a go at some fun DIYs? When I have the time to create things, I really enjoy it. From larger DIYs to smaller ones, you can add both beauty and dimension to your spaces easily!
I am sharing three simple DIYs I’ve done that are not too time consuming, nor complicated but will add a lot of beauty to your farmhouse space. Bonus: they are budget friendly!
Close up view of wood bead garland.
1. Wood Bead Garland: These garlands look great at any length, and they are as simple to create as they sound. I created mine by using clear fishing line + wood beads that I purchased from Amazon. That’s it. You can also find these at places like Hobby Lobby and Michael’s.
My favorite way to use wood bead garland includes:
Close up view of book page wreath.
2. Book Page Wreath: A good friend helped me with this DIY. It’s a bit more time consuming than the garland, but with some good music and a second set of hands, it’s fairly simple. All you need are some old books, a hot glue gun, and a straw wreath form. Tip: Start the layering from the outer circle, moving inward. Keep layers tight next to each other. Wreaths make a great final layer on top of a mirrored window to an old fence gate. And you will love the incredible dimension this wreath creates.
Drop cloth curtains in our living room.
3. Drop Cloth Curtains: These are by far the most simple. The most time-consuming part of this DIY is just measuring your space and making sure you order the correct size for your windows. Drop cloth can be purchased at any home improvement store and also on Amazon.
A couple of things to keep in mind:
View of drop cloth curtains in our living room and dining room.
My hope is that you will want to try one or all three of these soon. They are a great way to add texture and beauty in a fun and creative way.
Have you done any of these DIYs before? What tips/tricks would you add? If you haven’t, which one could you see yourself trying today?