[This post contains sponsored links. The items featured and linked in this post were all provided by JOANN and Rust-Oleum; all opinions and reviews are my own.]
We used Rust-Oleum’s spray paint, Painters Touch 2X Ultra and IMAGINE, on a DIY a-frame chalkboard intended to be placed on our front porch. The ease of this spray paint project made it do-able in a day, and by the next day, our painted chalkboard sign was complete. Just follow our steps to bring encouragement to those who pass your home! Changing out messages that are hopeful and empowering is do-able with the chalkboard area we created in this project.
In this time of the Coronavirus, we are looking for ways to feel hopeful and spread that hope to others. Have you noticed like we have that people are outside so much more now? It’s a great option and a change of scenery. We love taking morning and evening walks/bike rides. As we are walking along, I enjoy looking at other homes. It got me thinking: what if we could spread some cheer to those who walk past our home by creating an a-frame chalkboard sign that’s message could be changed out on a regular basis?
I asked my husband if he had some extra wood sitting around in his workshop to make an A-frame chalkboard sign to place on our porch for this purpose. He did! After gathering some plywood and scrap wood and a few cuts and some drilling later, he created the perfect DIY sign. Now it was time to paint it!
I used this white matte Painters Touch 2X Ultra spray paint as both the primer and base coats. It was so easy to use, and offered the full coverage I was hoping for. Let’s just say, I am not the best at painting, but this spray paint makes me feel like I am lol! And for those hard to reach places on this sign, the Painters Touch 2X Ultra spray paint can spray at any angle. Even after one coat, it looked good.
I did end up spraying it over twice because I missed a few spots, not because lack of coverage. The great news? It dries so fast, I only had to wait a little while in between the coats. It turned out great!
Next up was to sketch out the area on the sign that would be spray-painted with the IMAGINE chalkboard paint. As you can see, we wanted this space to be large so people could easily read the message from our sidewalk or driving by.
We grabbed blue painters tape that we had on hand, and taped off the space that we wanted to remain white (layering the tape over the next one as you can see in the photo below). Rust-Oleum’s IMAGINE line is designed for projects just like this. IMAGINE is for those of us who love doing various hobbies and crafts and want various finishes (i.e., chalkboard, sparkle, and shimmer).
We let it dry and then pulled away the tape to reveal the completed chalkboard sign. I will have to say that this boosted my confidence in doing DIY projects that involve painting (I didn’t have one drip haha!). Rust-Oleum’s spray paints worked beautifully and created the look we wanted for this project.
Now it was time to put our first message of hope on it. My daughter is very talented at lettering and created this beautiful message for us. We chose to use the words, “Be Strong And Courageous.”
We can change out the messages every few days with the chalkboard markers we used.
What do you think? I’d love for you to give this project a go and spread hope to those in your community too!